While transforming form to pages from NAV2009 or NAV2009R2 we may get the below error
Error: Schema: \ApplicationObjects.xsd
Error: Form -2: The validation for file:///C:/Users/xxx/Desktop/NAV2009/TransformationTool/ApplicationObjects.xsd.tmp.xml
failed. Detailed Information: LineNumber=69, LinePosition=14
Error: Form -2: The element 'Properties' in namespace
'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects' has invalid child
element 'Style' in namespace
'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects'. List of possible
elements expected: 'IndentationColumnName, Editable, ShowAsTree,
InstructionalTextML, Visible, Enabled, GroupType, IndentationControls,
Description, Name' in namespace
Error: Some input file can’t be validated by schema. Please,
correct it and rerun tool again
Solution:Transformation tool won't support form control properties like FontBold,FontItalic. so we need to remove before form transformation.