Dynamics NAV

Friday, 7 September 2018

Compilation of assembly 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\110\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$DynamicsNAV110\assembly\Page30_48344.dll' failed. This can be caused by differences between binaries in your installation or your database

When we merge the OnAfterGetCurrRecord function from NAV2009 to  NAV2013 or Later versions page object then we will get this error because NAV2013 onwards OnAfterGetCurrRecord trigger is exist in the pages.

Compilation of assembly 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\110\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$DynamicsNAV110\assembly\Page30_48344.dll' failed. This
can be caused by differences between binaries in your installation or your database

Resolution : Move the custom code from OnAfterGetCurrRecord  to OnAfterGetCurrRecord  trigger and Delete the merged function from the page object.

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

What's New in NAV 2018

Ceridian payroll

Import payroll transaction files from Ceridian HR/Payroll in US and Ceridian Powerpay in CA by installing the Ceridian Payroll extension.

QuickBooks File Import

Import payroll transaction files in the QuickBooks IIF format by installing the QuickBooks Payroll File Import extension.

Integration API

Adding a REST API based on web services with easy-to-use authentication. The entities in the API can be used on their own or in combination with extensions when there is a need to add user interface elements or business logic Dynamics NAV.

The first iteration of the API publishes common record types, including company information, customer, vendor, employee, item (product), sales order, sales invoice, account, and journal.

Synchronize Vendors with Lexmark ICS

You can now take advantage of vendor synchronization when using Lexmark ICS. This will improve the vendor recognition rate in the Lexmark ICS and allow manual selection of vendors when performing visual training of new invoice layouts.

Personalize your workspace

With our upcoming personalization tool built directly into Dynamics NAV, all it takes is a few clicks to display the right data for your role and your business or optimize for data entry in the browser.

Preview and Print Reports

Invoices, tax reports, checks and balance sheets - our upcoming Report Preview feature will display all kinds of reports directly in Dynamics NAV without having to download as a file.
You will also be able to print directly from the browser.
Analyzing Financial Statements in Microsoft Excel

In the Business Manager and Accountant Role Centers, you can choose which financial statements to view in Excel from a drop-down menu in the Reports section of the ribbon. When you choose a statement, it will be opened in Excel or Excel Online. An add-in connects the data to Financials.
Checks per Page

A new format has been created for check printing.  You now have the ability to print 3 checks per page to save paper and make check printing faster.
Full CRM Synchronization can be run in background
Submission of EC Sales List with more than 9999 lines

 Sources - Oksana Kuzmina Blog.

What’s new in Dynamics NAV 2017

Setup and Configuration

In Dynamics NAV 2017, The assisted setup wizard can guide you through a variety of configuration options like workflows for approvals, fiscal calendar,adjust cash flow forecasting, it save our time and streamlining our tasks.

User Experience

Dynamics NAV 2017 was developed with the end user in mind. The browser-based interface, for example, allows for multiple view options so one can see and identify records in a variety of ways. The in-context notifications, web client, and overall client enhancements make Dynamics NAV 2017 a very user-friendly product.

Office 365

Dynamics NAV 2017 is directly linked to Office 365, and includes a variety of add-ins to make your work more efficient. Now you can navigate seamlessly between Dynamics NAV data and Office tools enabling effortless review, analysis, and sharing of data with colleagues in all parts of your business. You can sync contacts from Office 365 People, create customer invoices from Outlook appointments, and import attachments from emails, all with just a few clicks.

Power BI and Cortana Intelligence

Power BI is embedded in Dynamics NAV 2017 and allows for sophisticated yet simple dashboard creation, report generation, and easy sharing. Cortana Intelligence takes advantage of historical data and improves insights into predicted sales, forecasting, and inventory management. Together, PowerBI & Cortana Intelligence can help your organization turn cluttered data into powerful, actionable insights.


Dynamics NAV 2017 comes with ready-to-use financial statements that provide valuable and easily accessible insights into the financial performance of your business. The default Account Schedules and Account Categories provide easy to produce insightful reports and point-in-time reporting for accurate and timely financial information.


The Jobs module within Dynamics NAV 2017 has been simplified and allows for easier project management, and provides more visibility into the details of your projects. By using the Jobs Setup wizard, you can quickly and easily access tasks, charts, and the Project Manager role center.


Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 streamlines the CRM experience and enhances the process of integrating to CRM online. The CRM Setup wizard guides you through the set-up process which enables seamless coupling of Microsoft Dynamics CRM records with Microsoft Dynamics NAV records.


With Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 you can easily create custom item attributes and assign an item attribute value, per your business needs, managing items and helping to create sales documents.


E-everything is a part of Dynamics NAV 2017 and includes hyperlinks to payment services which allows for customers to pay invoices online, and supports multiple ways of accepting payments including credit cards and PayPal accounts.

PowerApps and Microsoft Flow

The dashboard and reports provided as part of the PowerApps are built on top of a full-featured model, allowing you to explore and analyze data as needed. The automatic refresh ensures you are always seeing the latest data. With Microsoft Flow, you can track and automate tasks so you can work less and do more. For example, you can create a flow to automatically send a push notification or email when a lead is added to your system. Or you can trigger an approval process workflow when an employee fills out a vacation request on SharePoint.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

NAV 2016 - You do not have access to Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Create User From SQL stored procedure

Where we try to open the NAV2016 database,we might get the below error from Role Tailored Client -

You do not have access to Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Verify that you have been set up as a valid user in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Copy the below stored procedure


/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[createNAV2015User]    Script Date: 18-12-2015 13:54:51 ******/


-- =============================================
-- Description:     Add a user & login to SQL and add this to NAV
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[createNAV2016User]
       -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
       @Username varchar(200)
       -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
       -- interfering with SELECT statements.
       DECLARE @StringSID VARCHAR(100)
       DECLARE @i AS INT
       DECLARE @j AS INT  
       DECLARE @SQLString As Varchar(250)     
       SELECT @BinSID = SUSER_SID (@Username,0)
       IF LEN(@BinSID) % 4 <> 0
             PRINT 'No valid SID found, exiting code'
       SELECT @StringSID = 'S-'
       SELECT @StringSID = @StringSID + '-'

       SET @j = 9
       SET @i = LEN(@BinSID)
       WHILE @j < @i
         DECLARE @val BINARY(4)
         SELECT @val = SUBSTRING(@BinSID, @j, 4)
         SELECT @StringSID = @StringSID + '-'
         SET @j = @j + 4
       BEGIN TRY
    DECLARE @GUID nvarchar(50)
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[User]
    ([User Security ID], [User Name], [Full Name], [State], [Expiry Date], [Windows Security ID], [Change Password], [License Type], [Authentication Email], [Contact Email])
    (@GUID, @Username, '', 0, N'1753-01-01', @StringSID, 0, 0, '', '')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[User Property]
    ([User Security ID], [Password], [Name Identifier], [Authentication Key], [WebServices Key], [WebServices Key Expiry Date], [Authentication Object ID])
    (@GUID, '', '', '', '', N'1753-01-01', '')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Access Control]
    ([User Security ID], [Role ID], [Company Name], [App ID], [Scope])
    (@GUID, 'SUPER', '', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 0)
             IF EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 1 [User Security ID] FROM [Access Control] WHERE [User Security ID] = @GUID)
                    PRINT 'User added to Windows logins in Dynamics NAV as SUPER'            
       END TRY
             PRINT ERROR_MESSAGE();
       END CATCH


and  open the SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS) and right click on the data base--> New Query and paste the copied stored procedure

change the database name and execute the stored procedure

then you can find the stored procedure in the below path

and right click on the stored procedure and execute and give your user id. User id will be created.